Portal:Information Security

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Welcome to Wikibon's Information Management (IM) Portal. The IM Portal is a resource for information professionals with technology and business backgrounds interested in leveraging information to increase organizational value and manage risk. We welcome you to join Wikibon, browse the portal and participate. You can write a Wikitip, Ask a Question or attend a Peer Incite Research Meeting.

The Wikibon Information Management Research Portal contains information management research, articles, expert opinion, case studies, and company profiles.

Check out these IM Peer Incite Podcasts and Reports:

1. NetApp and Wikibon Community on Using Sourcing Strategies to Modernize Legacy Information Infrastructures

2. Execs from the Energy, Healthcare, and Financial industries on the transition to 21st Century Information Management

3. X-Pfizer IT Exec Unlocks Legal Risk Secrets - Part 1-- The Problem Statement (19:48)


4. X-Pfizer IT Exec Unlocks Legal Risk Secrets - Part 2-- The Architectural Solution (19:48)


5. Peter Burris summarizes how Email archiving is moving from the server room to the court room to the board room (5:47)



Understand what makes electronic records admissible

Courts see the characteristics of “authentication” as comprising of reliability (there is evidence that records are created and captured as part of the legitimate business process, and they are subject to a corporate management process), integrity (the document is provably protected from unauthorized alteration) and usability (the document is capable of being retrieved, presented and interpreted correctly). The ability of organizations to demonstrate these characteristics, taken together, will become fundamental to establishing the authenticity and evidential admissibility of electronic documents in coming years.

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Featured Case Study

Retail Giant Tackles Email Archive

CS5 is retail organization with over 250,000 employees. The Exchange email system has about 75,000 seats and about 500,000 messages every day. In retail, margins are thin and CS5's strategy is to focus the Email archive only on the most important senior managers while aggressively deleting emails of other employees after a short period of time.


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Featured How-to Note

Implementing an Email Archive

Ninety percent of business communication is done by email, instant messaging (IM) and voicemail, all of which are electronically stored. The main body of evidence that put Arthur Anderson out of business in 2002, after 89 years, came from email. Citigroup paid $400 million in fines after Elliot Spitzer subpoenaed emails written by stock analyst Jack Grubman.


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