The XIV launch from IBM is potentially a very disruptive event, a fact which most storage vendors have ignored. The combination of a system built from standard industry components and SATA disks with IBM's purchasing power can be an explosive mixture, with the potential to cause global chaos in storage prices. It will allow IBM sales to offer prices which will win every deal where price is the main criterion. XIV is, however, not a Tier 1 product despite its potential for replacing many aging high-end systems successfully. Rather, its performance and connectivity places it between today's Tier 1 and popular mid-range (tier 2) systems. Its price and the management simplicity promise low CapEx and lower OpEX, which are on high demand in the times of weak global economy. IBM's umbrella of company viability, global services, sales and flexible financing provide the infrastructure and customer security which XIV was missing as an independent company. It is worthwhile for every organization to evaluate XIV as a part of its non-mainframe storage procurement.