IT sprawl is the never ending pain that storage infrastructure managers for enterprise to SME organizations must face.
The waste, redundancy and administrative burden of copying, moving, storing, protecting, indexing and archiving the same data - 5 or 10 different ways, is only slightly less expensive than the duplication of workflows and business processes that must be accommodated for each storage point solution.
Your legacy batch backup product was not created to work with retro-fitted source side deduplication, target deduplication, continuous data protection agents, file archive and versioning, email archive, and real-time replication for disaster recovery. None of those technologies were created to work together.
Until now that is. Instead of going with several products, try a download and fast install/setup of AIMstor Software from Cofio. A single application, unified performance repository store, unified tools, drag-n-drop interface, multi-level dedupe at all levels, and intelligent with rich metadata management.
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