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The Wikibon Data Storage Portal contains data storage industry research, articles, expert opinion, case studies, and data storage company profiles.
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Welcome to the Wikibon Sustainability Portal. In this space we focus on the application of 'Green' technologies to create more energy efficiency IT and business environments. We welcome you to browse the portal, share best practices with peers by writing a Wikitip or joining in a Peer Incite Research Meeting.

The Wikibon Green IT Technology Portal contains green IT industry research, articles, expert opinion, case studies, and green IT technology company profiles.

Latest Green Peer Incites:

1. JCPenney's Drive to Green IT (5:09)

2. The Power Shift to Green Computing. Peter Burris summarizes Wikibon's Peer Incite on Green IT (4:27)

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Tips and techniques to go green

Storage managers should project their storage requirements over the next five years, assume a rapid transition to 2.5" drives, and calculate the power, space, power density and cooling requirements. They should then work with the data center designers to ensure that there is sufficient power and cooling available, and that there are the funds and commitment for the necessary infrastructure changes. In addition, storage managers should put in place a green storage infrastructure that will minimize disk drive usage by being able to:

  • Turn off spares,
  • Aggressively pursue tiered storage with lower RPM drives,
  • Implement MAID and/or drive spin down where appropriate,
  • Aggressively implement virtualization and thin provisioning to reduce the drives required,
  • Consider rear door heat exchangers using chilled water,
  • Consider the use of external storage services and/or outsourcing or storage equipment,
  • Ask the vendors about their green storage commitment.

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Featured Case Study

Green Validation Report: 3PAR InServ Storage Arrays

Wikibon reviewed the power measurements made on 3PAR’s InServ E200, S400 and S800 storage arrays. These arrays are built from standard components, and enable the power of different configurations to be calculated. The measurements were made at the component level. The measurements were made across three different workloads:

  • Sequential read, with a 512K block size
  • Random read, with a 16K block size
  • Idle (no data being transferred)
The results of the three workloads were averaged to produce an overall figure of power consumption for each of the components of the 3PAR arrays. Wikibon believes that the benchmarks used and the power measurements made were done professionally and in good faith. In the opinion of Wikibon, this measurement represents a good and reasonable estimate of the power consumed in real world applications across a number of drives for applications typcally found in a data center.


Sustainability Professional Alerts

Featured How-To Note

Planning a Green Storage Initiative

Fluctuating energy prices have heightened electricity and energy consumption as a major issue within the technology community. IT is a significant consumer of energy and IT energy costs have been rising disproportionately because of continued investment in denser IT equipment. Estimates from the EPA and others indicate that IT will account for 3% of energy consumption by 2012.


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Featured Case Study

Virtualization Energizes Cal State University

John Charles is the CIO of California State University, East Bay (CSUEB) and Rich Avila is Director, Server & Network Operations. In late 2007 they were both looking down the barrel of a gun. The total amount of power being used in the data center was 67KVA. The maximum power from the current plant was 75kVA. PG&E had informed them that no more power could be delivered. They would be out of power in less than six months. A new data center was planned, but would not be available for two years.


Storage Professional Alerts

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Featured How-To Note

Storage Virtualization Design and Deployment

A main impediment to storage virtualization is the lack of multiple storage vendor (heterogeneous) support within available virtualization technologies. This inhibits deployment across a data center. The only practical approach is either to implement a single vendor solution across the whole of the data center (practical only for small and some medium size data centers) or to implement virtualization in one or more of the largest storage pools within a data center.


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