Portal:Information Security

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Welcome to the Wikibon Careers Portal. The Careers Portal is a resource for IT professionals interested in advancing their skills... This portal was launched in 2009 by Wikibon in partnership with Treetop Technologies and other career professionals...


What is most important about your job?

A recently published “Employee Scorecard” in ComputerWorld reported the following results from their “What’s most important about your job?” poll:

  • Being fairly compensated for the work I do - 94%
  • Working in a challenging and enjoyable environment - 93%
  • Access to training and opportunities that further my skills - 91%
  • Having the means and opportunity to further my career - 88%
  • Being able to work with cutting edge technologies - 74%
  • Working with a group of people who are culturally and ethnically diverse, with a range of opinion and perspectives - 66%

(Multiple responses allowed)

Reprinted with permission © 2008 TreeTop Technologies

Footnotes: From "View from the TreeTop" Volume 2 Issue 8 August 2008

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Career Advice

A Q&A about DBA's

...Glenn Street, senior database specialist with Copyright Clearance Center, shares with us some insights about being, or becoming, a database administrator (DBA): Q: What’s the nutshell description of a DBA?


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