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Revision as of 21:57, 13 November 2006 by Dvellante (Talk | contribs)
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The Storage Portal

Welcome to the Storage portal. Estimates vary but it’s well documented that spending on storage hardware, software and services easily exceeds $50B worldwide each year. Storage has always been and continues to be a critical component of the information infrastructure as data and information are the lifeblood of organizations.

The objective of this portal is to provide information that fosters excellence in storage practices and leads various user communities to improve people’s lives, both in business and consumer settings. Ultimately, we hope to accelerate the adoption of and improve the application of storage technologies and services.



Storage Planning Storage Implementation Storage Operations Storage Asset Management
Storage Topics



Featured article


Featured picture


Did you know...

...that as much as 10 exabytes of information will be created in 2006 on print, film, magnetic, and optical storage media.

...that 1,000 exabytes equals 1 zettabyte and that 1,000 zettabytes equals 1 yottabyte?

...that a googol is a number equal to a 1 followed by 100 zeros and expressed 10100? This concept was introduced by U.S. mathematician Edward Kasner (1878-1955).

...that in September 1956, IBM announced the first commercial disk drive, inside the RAMAC 305 computer system, with 5MB of capacity on fifty 24-inch diameter platters. The RAMAC 350 disk unit was priced at $7,800 per megabyte.



"Backup is one thing; recovery is everything."

Fred Moore




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Associated Wikimedia


Welcome to the Storage Wiki. Estimates vary but it’s well documented that spending on storage hardware, software and services exceeds $50B worldwide each year. Storage has always been and continues to be a critical component of the information infrastructure as data and information are the lifeblood of organizations.

The objective of this wiki is to provide information that fosters excellence in storage practices and leads various user communities to improve people’s lives, both in business and consumer settings. Ultimately, we hope to accelerate the adoption of and improve the application of storage technologies and services.

To accomplish this goal we’re focusing on four disciplines:

  1. Storage strategy and planning to include the planning, justfication and roadmap for enterprise storage architecture
  2. Best practices for storage management, an ongoing discipline of adhering to clearly defined processes and procedures
  3. The application of key storage technology
  4. Solid asset management programs that address pricing, negotiation, contract management, license management and terms and conditions across the supplier ecosystem

This wiki is designed to address these and other issues deemed relevant and noteworthy by this storage community. We encourage contributions that address:

  1. What is the problem faced by a manager or storage professional?
  2. What are the options available to solve that problem (technologies & practices)?
  3. What are the pros & cons of different solutions? What other solutions may be available in the future?
  4. How should the best solution be selected and justified for a given scenario?
  5. How can the solution be implemented and managed?
  6. What are examples of best practice, and what resources were needed to achieve it?

Please feel free to add new articles or edit existing ones as you see fit. Try to help professionals get more business value out of storage products and services and help consumers enrich their lives through the better application of technology.

You can start by checking out the storage index page.
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