Portal:Mobile Enterprise

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Information Security IT Business Wiki

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The goal of this business wiki is in creating the central location for showcasing social media initiatives across the information security space.

Information Technology Business Wiki Categories

Interested in getting listed or participating in the IT Business Wiki? Feel free to register with the Wikibon Community and add your entries. Please note that for the time being, we're focusing on the B2B technology space.

Companies Listed in the Information Security IT Business Wiki

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Wikibon IT Business Wiki Tips

Tips for new users when attempting to enter or modify company information within the Wikibon IT Business Wiki:

  • It's easiest for new users, not familiar with wiki to copy, paste and edit a row highlighting another company.
  • Company logos should be no longer than 125px. We will remove logos that do not conform to this guideline.
  • All wiki code adheres to the same behavior as Wikipedia
  • For adding links to company information, follow Wikipedia's External Link Guidelines.
  • For adding images, logos, and links in images, please review Wikipedia's Picture Tutorial.
  • Registration for the Wikibon Community can be found on the top left-hand side of the page or through this registration link.

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Featured Case Study

Safeguarding Enterprise Voice Communication over WiFi

Enterprises are showing a strong interest on wireless voice technology over the standard WiFi networks for its attractive features such as lower phone bills, centralized management, or fast deployments. However these wireless voice networks are susceptible to usual attacks like viruses, spam, phishing, hacking, stolen data, denial of service (DoS), voice injections, man in the middle attacks, call hijacking, eavesdropping etc. The security of these networks become a major concern for enterprises because IT managers have no or very little knowledge how to protect voice networks.


Mobile Enterprise Professional Alerts

Featured How-To Note

Architecting Wireless Email

Wireless email is an important business tool for today's enterprises and an entrepreneurial solution to maximize the employees’ business potential and gain a competitive edge. Since businesses now send as much as 60% of their business-critical data via email, accessing emails wirelessly means business success for many organizations by providing rapid customer communication, faster decision-making and collaboration from distant places.


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