Portal:Information Security

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Welcome to the Wikibon Information Security Portal.

The Information Security Portal is a new resource from The Wikibon Project for business and technology professionals interested in learning from peers and sharing knowledge about challenges in the industry, trends, emerging technologies, and best in class practices.

The Wikibon Project invites comments from industry practitioners, technology, services, and content providers on the Information Security Agenda: 2010- common threats faced as global community and the priorities shared by all industry sectors for solutions. The goal of the Wikibon Project is to provide an open, quality peer research and dialog platform, and through this platform, establish industry extensions and interactions with the underlying promise of a concerted effort to advance a common information security agenda for end-users in 2010 and beyond.


Organize storage security top down and bottom up

Organizations need to adopt a top-down, bottoms-up approach to organizing storage security. A top-down (Chief Information Security Officer) CISO needs to define the levels of risk and spend, as well as define a layered storage security architecture. Each storage security technology layer needs to be assigned to an appropriate IT department for implementation and ongoing operations.

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Featured Research

Data Encryption Strategies

As the amount of digital data grows, so does the exposure to data loss. It is difficult to find a day when there hasn’t been a high-profile data security incident. The risk has reached such a level that data encryption is being implemented for stored data and mobile data, in addition to the traditional use of encrypting data in transit via the network.


Information Security Professional Alerts

Featured How-to Note

Implementing Storage Network Security

In the early days of the computer industry, storage systems were physically large and resided within the confines of a controlled data center environment. Storage systems have evolved into lightweight devices and are easily accessible over corporate networks, making them more vulnerable to security breaches. Fueled by the growing costs of recovering from intrusions, public concerns over privacy and identity theft, and increased government regulations, businesses are spending more time and money to develop or improve storage network security systems.


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