Portal:Storage/Featured article/Thursday

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[Virtualization\nDesign] {fontsize: 125%; link: Storage_virtualization_design_and_deployment\#Design_phase; }
[Virtualization\nDesign] {fontsize: 125%; bordercolor: black; fill: white; flow: south; link: Storage_virtualization_design_and_deployment\#Design_phase; }
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  [Virtualization\narchitecture decided] { origin: Virtualization\nDesign; offset: 1,3; }
[Virtualization\narchitecture\n decided] {bordercolor: blue; fill: white; flow: east; }  
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  [Primary\nvendor decided] { origin: Virtualization\narchitecture decided; offset: 02,0; }
[Primary\nvendor\ndecided] {bordercolor: blue; fill: white; flow: east;}   
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  [Storage virtualization\nprocess designed] { origin: Primary\nvendor decided; offset: 02,0; }
[Storage virtualization\nprocedures designed] {bordercolor: blue; fill: white;}

Revision as of 18:07, 1 February 2007

Storage Virtualization Design and Deployment
Originating Author: David Floyer

The main impediment to storage virtualization adoption is the lack of multiple storage vendor (heterogeneous) support within available virtualization technologies.

The only practical approach is either to implement a single vendor solution across the whole of the data center (viable only for small and some medium size data centers) or to implement virtualization in one or more of the largest storage pools within a data center. read more

Virtualization Design Milestones


node {linkbase: http://www.wikibon.org/index.php?title=; } [Virtualization\nDesign] {fontsize: 125%; link: Storage_virtualization_design_and_deployment\#Design_phase; }

-> {start: right, 1; }
 [Virtualization\narchitecture decided] { origin: Virtualization\nDesign; offset: 1,3; }
-> {start: east, 0; }
  [Primary\nvendor decided] { origin: Virtualization\narchitecture decided; offset: 02,0; }
-> {start: east, 0; }
  [Storage virtualization\nprocess designed] { origin: Primary\nvendor decided; offset: 02,0; }


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